ELECTION DAY MAY 4, 2024, Prop A: Iowa Colony Municipal Development District

ELECTION DAY MAY 4, 2024, Prop A: Iowa Colony Municipal Development District

The Iowa Colony Municipal Development District (M.D.D.) is designed to foster economic growth within its district's boundaries. Governed by Local Government Code Chapter 377, this specialized district aims to generate opportunities for development through strategic projects.

But what exactly is an M.D.D.? It's a designated area geared towards economic advancement, facilitating growth and innovation within its precincts. One of the several processes involved include holding an ETJ-wide election, allowing those residents to vote on the proposition.

Funding for the M.D.D. comes from sales and use tax, set at one-half of one percent.

Curious about the fundamental details? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to address any concerns or inquiries you might have regarding the creation and operation of a Municipal Development District. From governance structure to expenditure transparency, you can find out more by clicking here for our F.A.Q. guide, and here for our Election Information page.

Keep sales tax dollars local.